Dec. 2nd, 2004

momijizukamori: (Roy: chibi-evil)
AKA, Cocoa pimps interesting and/or useful things ^^

-First, a really good set of info for anyone other than Nicole, Ari, or Tam, who have all had that one-eyed experience, attempting to write Subaru, Seishirou, or any other one-eyed character and actually mention their vision should read _now_ - here.

-TheDeadParrot writes the _best_ Hughes/Roy fic. Her (or his, my apologies as I don't actually know ^^;) fic archive is here

-Also on the Hughes/Roy front, people have kindly posted scans of some really niiiice doujinshi here and here - the evil scheming chibi Roy icon is from those scans ^^

-More FMA pimpage, Hime's alter!series (warning, end of series spoilers ^^) is gorgeous and lovely and I <3 Masuta ^^

-Hime also has a set of really nice AU Sins-recasted pics, here, which is substantially less spoilertastic. Lust!Roy is sex ^^

-Kelsey also linked this, but I thought I'd share for the pleasure of people who don't read her LJ - these are exceptionally funny.

-And one last little thing, I'll now shamelessly pimp the TB/X Truth or Drabble game ^^
momijizukamori: (Default)
1. Reply to this post if you'd like some ego boosting.

2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you, only you, and why I think whatever I do about you.

3. Post these instructions in your journal and pass it on.

Length of post will probably depend on how well I know you ^^

And for things I forgot to pimp out last night, the FMA manga can be found here and here. Go forth and read, so I don't have to keep stepping around ep 25 spoilers ^^


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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