Dec. 3rd, 2004

Con Stuffs

Dec. 3rd, 2004 08:11 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Meant to do this about a week ago, but FMA is soul-owning and drags people off into it's deep, dark, and highly amusing hell.

First up, Anime Boston stuff!

People who did the group pre-reg with me, everything is set on that and it's official gone through. A few people still need to give me money, but I think I've talked to most of them and know the situation there. Next up, of course, is hotel stuff. We've got two doubles reserved, but I need to know who exactly is staying with us, so my mom, official adult supervision, can have the list, and also so I can start figuring out room costs. My list so far of people who have expressed interest in sharing the rooms with me, other than my mother and Michelle and the three people with her, who are all confirmed:

Everyone still interested? Anyone I missed ^^?

As for more future stuff, I'm currently debating what cons to go to next summer. Still waiting for Connecticon to announce dates, and Shoujocon to announce if it's happening or not >.> Unfortunately, AE and Otakon are the same weekend this year, which means I have no idea which to go to, although I sense Otakon may win due to 1) being closer and 2) already having too many plans for it. But I want to see all my west coast buddies too~ There's also AnimeNEXT, which is near enough, and may happen if I'm here that weekend and other cons for the summer fall through. So, in short...we'll see, I guess?
momijizukamori: (Default)
The Almighty C ^^

I've known you for almost two years now, care of Audrey and cosplay, and you still remain one of my cosplay rolemodels, because you have t3h m4d skillz, a stunning ability to Get Things Done in a very short amount of time, and get awesome photos ^^

Cosplay coolness aside, you're also both incredibly fun and funny. I mean, who else would come up with the calculusquirrels ^^? We have so many plans for world domination at this point, it's really enevitable that we actually _will_ someday. The number of totally silly conversations we've had is astounding, and I love it. You've managed to cheer me up on countless occasions ^^

You've always got interesting things to say, and you're not afraid to speak your mind, which is something I admire ^^

Also, you are teh sexx0rs ^^ And this is far less eloquent than I would have liked, but school consumes my brain, so.. <3<3<3 *snuggle*


momijizukamori: (Default)
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