Sep. 20th, 2006


Sep. 20th, 2006 08:48 pm
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
I totally keep meaning to post here, and then keep totally forgetting, or falling into the 'oh, I'll do it later', and then not sort of thing. Anyway. Good news! I have a job! With similar hours and pay as my old one, but more fun. Not sure how much I'll post about it, though, because it'd be less interesting from an outside perspective, and they're all very big on confidentiality, so most of the really unusual and interesting things I'm not allowed to talk about. But we have criminal record checks and our own radio codes, and it's all very offical-sounding XD;

I also managed to get out of the physics class I may have complained about at some point - it was so painfully, frustratingly easy, so I went and got an exemption from the first-year physics coordinator. She wasn't terribly happy about it, but she gave it to me. Now I have to do really well in 101 just to prove her wrong. And my schedule no longer sucks - that was my eight am, and one of my two days that went until five.

On a slightly more cryptic, personal note - I told her last night. As I expected, it doesn't change anything, really, but I feel better having said something. More than I expected to, actually.


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