Sep. 21st, 2006

momijizukamori: (Default)
Local people! Anybody want me around this weekend? I'm all for seeing people, but I know there's work and other plans and what-not XD; I also at this point will probably want to sleep a lot, which I can't do here - goddamn loud floor ><

Drop me a comment/e-mail/IM and lemme know.
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
I've realized something. I've been totally spoiled by school. And not in the way you might expect - I got used to the workload in junior and senior year, which was tough (junior year more so), but at the same time, I was actually learning things. And now I'm stuck in first-year science, taking courses that hold no interest for me, in the branch of science I normally love. And it's driving me crazy, because I know I'm better than this. I was getting A's in second-year university biology courses last year. I may actually go by Science Advising and try to talk them into giving me credit for said second-year course, instead of a first-year course that doesn't actually exist, here or there.

Thank god for Chem, I guess. I do feel like we're actually learning things there, particularly in the lab - the prof explains what we're doing and, more importantly, why, and then kind of leaves us to it, unlike all the metaphorical hand-holding going on in my Bio lab (seriously, the graph I just had to draw up? Hurts my soul. Deeply). I'd start sucking up to profs in hopes of gaining real knowledge, but all the people in Bio I'm dealing with right now are Zoology, not Microbio or Cell Bio.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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