momijizukamori: (Default)
Nope, haven't forgotten to do a con report and what not, it's just been a very busy week. This'll be shorter than the usual con report, because, well, Kei-kon is smaller than the usual cons I go to.

Friday start out with lots of travelling for me - three buses in Vancouver, a ferry ride, and then two in Victoria. I managed to successfully get to UVic, though - only to discover that nobody else was there yet. Some panic ensued, but everybody showed up eventually. There was some rushing around setting things up, but we got the dealer's table opened, and I spent most of the rest of the evening helping out with that. Liz and Amber drove back to Nanaimo to pick up Chibi and finish more stuff to sell, and the rest of us went out to McDonald's, watched softcore porn and stand-up comedy on the tv in our room, and I played more Phoenix Wright on Matt's DS.

Saturday morning, Brooke and I were woken up by the arrival of Liz, Amber, and Chibi, who had stayed up all night sewing, and basically crashed as soon as they got in. The rest of us went and opened up the table. I stayed there most of the morning and early afternoon - Elisha and I volunteered to stay there through the cosplay contest, as Amber and Liz were judging, Matt was performing, and everyone else wanted to watch. Justin and one of his friends showed up, and we set off on a minor quest to find Matt so I could introduce them, which lead to watching the cosplay awards ceremony. Afterwards, there was more hanging out around the table in the dealers room before it finally closed, and we all went to get changed and go to dinner (Boston Pizza, which was better than I expected), and Justin and his friend headed back home. I ended up wearing Ada for part of the morning, although finally took it off because the shoes were bothering me - I actually had two different people recognize me, which was surprising and awesome.

Sunday was pretty low-key - dealer's room, mostly, and then I ended up participating in the Solid Snake-Off, which was basically a musical chairs-esque race in cardboard boxes. It was the first year they ran it, so the set-up left a little bit to be desired, but it was lots of fun anyway. They gave all of us who lost little black ribbons that read 'RIP: Solid Sloth', which was pretty awesome. After the dealers room closed, we packed everything up, and Liz drove me to the ferry terminal so I could head home. It was definately a fun little weekend - will probably go again next year if only to see the improvements in the Solid Snake-Off.

And now, photos!
-Willy Wonka (with bonus Haruhi!Marina)
-Rebecca, the other RE cosplayer there
-Pyramind Head - my favorite of the weekend (the head is mostly cardboard and mints, apparently)
-Ada 1.2 - you can't see the updated shoes here, unfortunately
-Gundam XD;
-Kilik!Matt and Justin
-Justin's friend
-L and Ryuuk
-Solid Snake-Off 2 3 4 5
-The man himself


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