momijizukamori: (Default)
Freakiest mold we've found growing on anything at work: neon pink-orange mold on a big jicama root.

Work and classes are pretty much same old, same old. I've been talked into joining yet another tabletop game when classes end - D&D 3.5, run by one of the Shadowrun/Earthdawn guys. Apparently the guy breathes D&D, so should be good stuff. There's also a really interesting looking game running Monday night in the club - Fireborn - but I really don't need to be in four different tabletop games, I think, as much as I've discovered I like the tabletop dynamic a lot more than online dynamic when there's a good GM running the show (ie, Shadowrun/Earthdawn GM, who is awesome).

Dodgy internet at home has turned into non-existant internet, so I've been spending a lot of time on-campus - good thirteen hours yesterday. But people were here, and Chris and I got a whole bunch of Chem stuff done. While I'm not a club exec, I also seem to be getting involved in a lot of the exec brainstorming/decision processes because the people I've been hanging out with are the new crop of execs. There's some fun stuff being planned, if it all gets pulled off, as well as some handy stuff like finally bleaching and mopping the floor of our office.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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