momijizukamori: (Default)
Apartment hunting is not going amazingly well, but at least it's going. Still waiting to hear back from a few places. We all died in Shadowrun last night, which is what happens when you decide to take on the local Yakuza clan. After much debate and voting, we decided to make a new, slightly more coherent Shadowrun team, focusing on social justice, which hopefully will last a little longer. So far we've got the eco-warrior, the priest, the political activist, and Robin Hood. The last one is me - I'm rewriting Ally as a technomancer/rigger build, which should be...interesting XD; Technomancers are what you get when you cross magic and the internet, basically.

Pride was also very fun, even though public transit is occasionally ass and made me fifteen minutes late to work. I'll post photos later, I took tons. We also went to Granville Island on Monday, which was also fun - I bought overpriced maple sugar candy, and Nandy kept inquiring into getting a copy of the Necronomicon made. Jon also bought a little Celtic cross pendant he says he's going to nail to my door. Why, I have no clue, but it entertains me.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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