momijizukamori: (Default)
Would you believe this is the third time I've started this list? However, I love telling other people about me, so I persist ^^

1) My favorite composer is Aaron Copland.
2) I randomly decided this one day in fourth grade when we were learning about him in Music.
3) I also had my first crush in fourth grade.
4) His name was Sam, and he looked rather like a skinny hobbit.
5) Romance-wise, I have no preference for gender, but I tend to fall for quiet people who are older and shorter than I am.
6) I have dated on person, and I use 'dated' in the loosest sense here.
7) While we were going out, we routinely got mistaken for brother and sister ^^
8) When I say 'Guess what I did!' or 'Guess who I went to the movies with' or something of the like, I actually do make people guess.
9) For some reason, it always amuses me greatly
10) I went to Indonesia when I was six.
11) While there, I petted a komodo dragon, and have photos to prove it.
12) I've also been to Ireland three times.
13) Even so, I've never been to Disney World, despite many trips to Florida.
14) I've also never been on a roller coaster.
15) Speaking of nevers, I've never broken or sprained anything either.
16) However, I have had stiches twice in the same spot on two seperate occasions.
17) Its in the middle of my forehead - the scar leaves a funny indentation running up into my hairline.
18) I only have two other of one of my toes, and one on my right knee.
19) My two favorite anime pairings are Seishirou/Subaru and...Clow/Yue ^^
20) If I could be any person, living, dead, or fictional, it'd probably be Clow.
21) My first costume that was technically cosplay, however, was being a pokemon trainer in fifth grade.
22) Pokemon was the first anime I ever saw.
23) But Cardcaptors/CCS was the series that got me addicted.
24) I HATE denim.
25) However, I'm apparently one of the few people who loves tomatoes.
26) I also love most sweet things.
27) I've been known to put seven or eight spoonfuls of sugar into a cup of tea.
28) My father yelled at me for it once.
29) I love happy endings - I'm a bit of a hopless romantic like that.
30) Proud to say I've never written a mushy love letter, though.
31) Have had them written to me.
32) When I was little, I wanted to run my own bakery.
33) Now, I have no clue what I want to do with my life.
34) No matter how hard I try, I can never get from the first floor up to my room without making a noise.
35) I have a habit of accidently walking into closed doors.
36) I even walked into the edge of a doorframe of an open door, once.
37) I've worn glasses since second grade.
38) I get emotionally attacted to inanimate objects, such as my glasses or my computers.
39) All three of my computers have names - the old one is BEAST, the new one is Satsuki, and my really old laptop is 003.
40) I've played flute since fifth grade.
41) My flute even has an unoffical name - Kamui ^^
42) ...Which is also the name of one of the facets of my subconcious.
43) The other two are Seishirou and Davis ^^
44) My conscience is named Yue.
45) I can read a 400 page book in an afternoon.
46) For some reason, this scares a lot of my friends.
47) I'm very short tempered, unless I pay close attention to controlling it.
48) Because of my temper, I tend to be a bit violent.
49) However, I rarely hit people I don't know well.
50) I did shove my brother's head into the corner of a tv once - he had to get stiches.
51) Under the right conditions, I can sleep for fifteen hours a night.
52) I'm also fiercely protective of my sleep.
53) My private space, as well.
54) I love climbing trees ^^
55) I also make a damn good apple pie.
56) My favorite love song is 'The Way You Look Tonight', sung by Frank Sinatra.
57) I'm an admitted Sinatra fan ^^
58) My first fangirl obsession was Spock from the original Star Trek, when I was in fifth grade.
59) I have an undying hatred for Captain Kirk, though.
60) I loved Star Wars when I was little.
61) My best friend and I would pretend to be characters from it.
62) Somehow, I always ended up as Luke.
63) I've occasionally wished I were a guy soley because dressing in drag would be so much more fun.
64) I have a minor obession with long coats.
65) This, along with the sense of style I've developed over the last few years, is entirely CLAMP's fault.
66) I've had people think I was from England because of the way I speak.
67) They're actually not that far off - I'm Irish, English, Welsh, and Cornish by decent.
68) My middle name is Sherrard.
69) It's Irish.
70) It's also my grandmother's middle name.
71) I didn't know how to spell it properly until I was eight.
72) When I was little, my hair was blonde.
73) Over the years, it's darkened down into the same color as my eyes - gold-brown.
74) I have a habit of picking up random quirks and such from my favorite characters.
75) For example, I have a habit of closing my eyes and putting my hands in mitsu-in when I'm trying to calm down.
76) I can also raise one eyebrow, a la Spock.
77) I have a habit of blinking when the flash goes off on cameras, which leads to some amusing photos.
78) I'm a decent swimmer, although I don't really like swimming that much.
79) The same goes for running, unless I'm racing one of my friends.
80) I played soccer for four years, and was actually pretty good at it.
81) Now I fence and play tennis.
82) I'm not very good at either, but I enjoy them a lot more.
83) I am absolutely _awful_ at volleyball. I always dread when we have to play it in gym.
84) I have a minor passion for video game music, especially that of the Squaresoft variety.
85) I'm neither a writer or an artist, but I'll try anyway sometimes.
86) I can string and shoot a bow, but I never quite mastered the trick of aiming.
87) I had having to read or show anything that is my own work in front of other people - I get so nervous my hands start to shake.
88) I'm somewhat tone deaf.
89) However, I enjoy singing anyway ^^
90) When I was in sixth grade, I had a candle and incense obsession, the remnants of which are still lying around my basement.
91) I never played with dolls when I was little.
92) I do have a rather extensive stuffed animal collection, though.
93) I love cats, although I have a soft spot for white rabbits, penguins, and squirrels, as well.
94) I also love milk ^^
95) I enjoy RPGs, but am absolutely awful when it comes to finishing them.
96) I find word origins fascinating, even though I'm not great at learning languages.
97) I also find the roots of cultural practices intresting too.
98) I hate it when good things come to an end - as such, the ends of my favorite series always make me cry.
99) I started sewing by making clothing for my stuffed animals ^^
100) This just took me an hour and a half to think up and type, during which I read a Subaru fic, a few PotC fics, talked to Ari, and yelled at my little brother ^^


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