momijizukamori: (Default)
Things I am Thankful For:
-My awesome friends. <3 you ALL.
-My awesome family. <3 you all too ^^

My thanksgiving day was long and lotsa fun. Got up, had my dad call which was really great, seeing as he's all on the west coast now (job, not family problems or anything ^^;). Went upstairs to help with the food and ended up talking to [ profile] seracy on the phone while cooking for like an hour. We had to keep stopping the conversation because my mom was on call and kept having to use the phone ^^; Ben came dancing and yelling into the living room during one of the conversations, as he beat Aztec on 00 Agent in Goldeneye (which is apparently hard to do, I don't play the game so I don't know), which was rather amusing. Had a rather early dinner as my mom didn't realize how fast the turkey would cook, and thus all the food was done by 2:00. We're going to have left-overs for weeks, I swear

After dinner/lunch, started my spree of phone calls ^^ Talked to [ profile] choffman and [ profile] ariseishirou for about fourty-five minutes apiece, which was really cool, and made me decide I need to call people more often ^^ Got [ profile] sporkkunoichi's number from C, who actually called [ profile] xian_pu on her other line while talking to me to get it for me (Muchas gracias to both of you guys ^^). Called Shari after that, talked to her for another forty-five minutes. After that, called [ profile] bangles and expected to get her voice mail, but *gaspshock* she actually answered ^^! The world is so ending sometime very soon. So I talked to her for a few minutes, then called [ profile] skuldchan and talked to her for a few minutes too. After that, I took a break from the calling, and watched the Fellowship of the Ring extended version that Link let me borrow because he's cool and I hadn't seen it yet. Some of the extra scenes were cool, but I've seen that movie waaaaay too many times ^^; Last bit of the day, I called [ profile] rainbow_gossip and we talked for like an hour and half because she didn't have other stuff to do like everyone else did. Which, uh, leads me to now. And going to bed in a few minutes because I'm working first shift tomorrow x.x


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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