momijizukamori: (Default)
...Kicked so much ass XD Got up and got dressed in my yukata, then took the train into Boston. Found Ko, who was dressed as Ginji (I forgot to get a photo ;.;), pretty quickly. We then decided to go down to the Common on foot, and managed to get only slightly lost along the way. Also got handed free chips by Lays people. The other cosplay people weren't that hard to find, and I discovered more Yami people than I had expected, as well as Mara and Sarah. I also exchanged money for doujinshi with Ko, and then gave Mara her's, which leaves me with Seishirou goodness. Yay for Replica Co. ^^There was tons of food, mostly of the sugary variaties, although somebody brought nikuman, and I had half of one before discovering all the sugar on an empty stomach was making me feel kind of sick (A Milly cosplayer, however, brought pudding XD).

I basically hung around with Mara and Sarah and the Yami people - We ended up having two Hisoka, a Muraki, an Oriya, a Tsuzuki, and me as Tatsumi. Unfortunately, Mara and Sarah had to leave early, but I did stay and hang out with the Yami people, who were all very cool. We took a bunch of crazy photos, and then headed to Tokyo Kid, where people other than me bought stuff, and I discovered that my habit of being an obsessive packer came in handy, as I had all these useful things people needed with me. We then headed down to the little park near Harvard Square, and took even more crazy photos, including some yaoitastic ones ^^ Mike, who makes a cool Inu-Yasha got better ones than I did of most of them, so I'll link his when he posts ^^ I'm amused to realize that I've done a lot more yaoi-type stuff as Tatsumi than I have as Seishirou, for some reason. Anyway. Some people headed home, including eventually me, and everybody else went to see Harry Potter. I wanted to go too, but my mom wouldn't let me ;_; A side note, but Winter? We now have a Yami group for AB ^^ They don't have a Tatsumi yet, and welcome doubles, so I guess we'll all just be one super-Yami group ^^

And now for photos!

-Hisoka and Hisoka
-The Milly who brought pudding
-Hisoka/Tsuzuki, with said pudding
-Vague Tatsumi/Tsuzuki
-More cute Hisoka/Tsuzuki
-Tatsumi is on top and showing off his legs ^^
-Oriya/Hisoka...mmm, pairing crack
-Flailing Hisoka
-Hisoka has a seme moment
-Tatsumi/Tsuzuki (Why yes, I am shamelessly ripping off a photo of myself
-Tsuzuki. Words fail me ^^ (we actually borrowed the hat from people in uniform in the park)
-Hard to see, but the best wrong paint job ever. Supposed to be Yukito and nikuman, only it has black hair, so it looks like Seishirou and nikuman insated ^^
-Hisokas fighting over Tsuzuki
-More of the same ^^
-From the end of Nagasaki, where Tsuzuki uses Hisoka to channel his powers
-The above, only with Muraki...sorta ^^;
-Die, Muraki!
-...I can't remember. But it's funny
-From the begining of Nagasaki
-From the end of Nagasaki, after Muraki kidnaps Hisoka
-Now with more dead!Tsuzuki!
-Tsuzuki dancing with the Inuyasha wig on
-Fluffy Muraki/Oriya
-Oriya and Hisoka
-Muraki and Hisoka
-Tatsumi torments Tsuzuki with money
-Tsuzuki is everybody's bitch
-More fluffy Hisoka/Tsuzuki
-Hisoka/Tsuzuki, with Tsuzuki's coat


Happy Birthday Shi!

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