momijizukamori: (Default)
I've been sort of switching between feeling accomplished and proud of myself, and utterly worthless this weekend, and it's getting annoying, which is why I'm going to bed after writing this, even though I've only been up for six hours. I blame Research Sem, I think. And possibly the fact that I haven't done any of my Christmas shopping yet or cards or _anything_ ^^;

However, at least two or three people have bugged me to do that wishlist meme, so here, I give in, you people win ^^ There may or may not be more than ten, I'm not counting.

-For all of my friends to be safe and happy these holidays. I <3 you guys all so much ^^
-To be able to see or talk to all you guys more often, too. It gets boring and lonely here ^^
-Tokyo Babylon 3 and 4 in English.
-Fruits Basket 4, 5, or 6 in English
-Any of the FMA artbooks - the manga, the anime, or the character designs sketchbook. I'm an artbook whore ^^;
-That Roy-umbrella. Or, um, Roy stuff in general. He has stolen my soul >.>
-To see the end of Utena. It's been like three years, damnit, I want to see the rest of it!
-Also, to see the Dead Parrot Sketch from Monty Python. Because I've seen all sorts of references to it, but never it itself. (This one and the one above do not nessecarily need to involve me owning either of them, just _seeing_ them)
-To find a place that sells good FMA military boots that don't cost a fortune ><

...Yeah, I'm horribly materialistic ^^; But other than the stuff up there, I'm easy to please with other things to - fic, fanart, food, random burned CDs/mp3s - stuff like that ^^


momijizukamori: (Default)
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